Frequently Asked Questions
Not at all – One is in control at all times – The Therapist merely guides one
That is not possible. One always awakens from the state of Hypnosis
People usually fear being hypnotised as they are clueless to what hypnosis is really all about. If they knew that everyone self hypnotises 15-20 times a day they would understand it is a natural process we all experience in our lives. People believe hypnosis makes them dominated, they lose control, surrender their will, become gullible or weak. This is far from the truth, in hypnosis you are in control, you decided if you wish to accept a suggestion for your own positive growth and positive outcomes.
Unfortunately Hollywood etc has painted a bleak picture on what hypnosis is all about, religion has also through fear made it out to be not normal to human behaviour. Ignorance is what feeds fear and slowing down or even halting the healing process. Stage hypnosis is another one that suggests people become fearful of hypnosis or hypnosis is only for fooling around. Stage hypnosis create a myth that discourages people from seeking legitimate hypnotherapy.
The perception people have of hypnosis makes them fearful, irrational and misinformed. Hypnosis is misunderstood and believed to be an authoritarian, manipulative technique, nourished particularly by misinforming people of the difference of hypnosis and stage hypnosis. Unfortunately stage hypnosis shows, represents the greatest barrier to the (re)integration of hypnosis into medical treatment.
A small percentage of people will not remember the session, meanwhile the majority of people remember everything that occurs under hypnosis. The benefits of this is that what we wish to achieve is attained within light to medium hypnotic depth states.
In hypnosis, the patient is under no means under the control of the hypnotist. Hypnosis does not impose itself or through the therapist onto you or your life. The person facilitating the session, the hypnotist is guiding you to achieve your success.
Hypnosis is a state of human consciousness involving focused attention, reduced peripheral awareness, and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestion. The term may also refer to an art, skill, or act of inducing hypnosis. Theories explaining what occurs during hypnosis fall into two groups.
Varies in degree to achieve specific outcomes. A hypnotic suggestion is made when the person is in the hypnotic state, it has a specific purpose to action in a general or specific way to be performed after awakening, usually this often is in to response to a cue. Patients are diverse when they are during and after session as they usually still carry out post-hypnotic suggestions even if they remember being given them during their session for the purposes of therapy. This positively results as the suggested behaviors are usually positive and beneficial nature, the suggestion from within the session creates the platform for them to feel compelled to carry out the suggestion, resulting in successful of desired outcomes. A suggestion during a state of hypnotic trance / session specifies an action to be performed after awakening, often in response to a cue i.e. action.
- a person reorienting themselves to their body
- the waking state are
- wetting the lips,
- shifting their posture,
- opening eyes normally or wider at first,
- blinking,
- feeling restless to move about,
- yawning,
- and stretching.